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Technological forces represent major opportunities and threats that must be considered in formulating strategies. Technological advacements can dramatically affect, organizations' products, services, markets, suppliers, distributors, competitors, customers, manufacturing processes, marketing practices, and competitive position.

Now a days the social medias and the App´s are one of the most important hobby of the people and the most usefull tool for developing all the activities in the day. Thats why the internet is an excelent tool for the companies to make marketing and increase the profit of them. 


The internet and the social networks are a very important factor in our company. First of all we have to use GPS for move in the place that we are going to being selling in a fast and efficient way, to reach the customer in the right way, the right place and allowing customers to easily access our products. Second, our advertising will be presented in major social networks such as: Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, We heart It, etc… Trying to create trend. Finally we want to create an application that allows the client to order their product through the cellphone and Green Road are where the client need the fastest as possible.



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