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Number of patents 


“La Patente es un privilegio que le otorga el Estado al inventor como reconocimiento de la inversión y esfuerzos realizados por éste para lograr una solución técnica que le aporte beneficios a la humanidad. Dicho privilegio consiste en el derecho a explotar exclusivamente el invento por un tiempo determinado”.

In Colombia the entity in charge of granting the patents is “La superintendencia de industria y comercio” whose main offices are in Bogotá city.  In this sense, the graph below shows the number of patents conceived in Colombia.

Thus, the graph shows that in Colombia the year in which more patents were granted was in 2012, with a total of 106 patents, while the year where they were granted less was in 2011 with 34 patents. In 2015, the number of patents granted was 63.

In this sense, of the 63 patents granted in 2015, the distribution of the same by department are shown in the following chart.

Here it is observed that Bogota, is the one that has the highest concentration of patents. Afterwards, this Santander with 13 patents granted, and finally there is Atlantic and Cundinamarca with only one patent.


Due to the information above, the benefits obtained by the authors of a patent are mostly economic, those benefits allow people the use of the invention for 20 years.  “La  utilización puede consistir en comercializar exclusiva y directamente el producto patentado, o por intermedio de terceros otorgando licencias, o transfiriendo los derechos obtenidos mediante su venta para que un tercero explote la invención. En conclusión, el beneficio es económico para el inventor o titular de la patente”.




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