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Due to the high number of wastes are dumped by tanneries and industries into rivers, watersheds and lakes, fish are dying.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries subienda in the Magdalena has declined considerably over the past 15 years, when the population of the capital and thus increased the number of waste and wastewater goes to the drains of the rivers without any treatment.


As if that were not enough, in the country there is no inventory of groundwater. It is known to exist and many companies make use of these fonts without prior authorization from the environmental authority.


Industry has a key role in the supply and demand for water. It is estimated that the major consumer of water in the world is agriculture with 65%, followed by industrial, requiring 25%, and domestic, commercial and other municipal urban services with 10% consumption.


Putting all this with climate change, it is predicted that by 2050 60% of the Colombian moors will be gone. (, 2011)

Gold mining is also important in the contamination of the water factor. Although it was already banned the use of metals in the mining sector, the fiber for its extraction caused the water pollution in 17 Colombian departments, thoroughly cause the deterioration of nature and affect human health. (, 2014)




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