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Number of deaths

Non-fetal death refers to “the permanent disappearance of any sign of life, whatever the time elapsed since birth with life (postnatal cessation of vital functions without the possibility of resuscitation). This definition excludes fetal deaths”.


In this sense, the analysis of the deaths in Colombia during the year 2015 is presented below.

First of all, the following table shows a picture of non-fetal deaths per year by sex in Colombia throughout 2015.

It is observed that between January 1 and December 31 of 2015, 202,199 non-fetal deaths were reported throughout the country. The distribution by sex showed that 54.6% of the deceased were men with a total of 110,444, 45.4% were females with 91,733 registered samples and 0.01% were of undetermined sex with 22 recorded deaths .


On the other hand, below is a table we can see a table of non-fetal deaths per year according to the age of each of the people in Colombia throughout 2015

Thus, it is observed that the highest number of deaths was concentrated in people aged 65 and over, reporting 127,448, corresponding to 63.0% of the total deaths in the country, followed by groups of 45 to 64 38,403 deaths occurred and in the range of 15 to 44 years presented approximately 2.6296, equivalent to 19.1% and 13%, respectively. Likewise, in the age groups of 1 to 4 and 5 to 14 years, 1326 and 1822 deaths corresponded to 0.7% respectively; And for the lower one year range, 6,706 cases were reported, equivalent to 3.3%.


Likewise, the graph below shows the non-fetal deaths per year according to the residence department of the deceased in Colombia throughout 2015.

There we see that the greatest number of non-fetal deaths by department of residence of the deceased concentrated in Bogotá, Antioquia and Cauca worth, totaling 81.683 deaths, equivalent to 40.4% while the lowest number of fetal deaths not reported in Vaupés, Guainía and Vichada with 358 cases that accounted for 0.2%


Finally, a table of non - fetal deaths per year according to their probable death in Colombia during the year 2015 is shown below.

The most likely way of death in the 2015 period was natural death, with 178,150 cases, equivalent to 88.1%. In the second place were violent deaths representing 11.3%; and 0.6% corresponded to those who were to be identified as likely to die.


Thus, from the graphs presented, it can be concluded that in Colombia during the year 2015 more deaths were recorded for men than for women. Age ranges in which more deaths occurred, were 65 and older and 44 to 64 years of age, which represents normality for this demographic index. The departments that registered the most deaths were the southern departments of the country, which have the highest rates of violence and cruelty. And finally, of the total of deaths presented a large part was due to natural death which represents normal causes in the country. Therefore, this demographic indicator shows the evolution and the structural characteristics of the population of a country in a determined period of time.




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