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According to Miller (1997), “The common definition of leisure as "time off work" or "time for play" points out an important aspect of leisure: time. It specifies the nature of the freedom or opportunity which is involved in leisure: leisure is time available for action. Unfortunately, to define leisure as time off work is like defining money as a commodity which can be exchanged for useless luxuries. Such a definition of money would blind us to the practical uses of money, and the common definition of leisure blinds us to the profoundly practical uses of leisure.”


Now a days time is the most precious factor for humans, and in companies for make business, people needs time. Thats why leisure time influence a lot in the results of the business succes in this case the succes of BottleFit. Eployees needs a necesary timpe to work and also to rest, to rest is important because workers occupy the mind in other things and when they has to work they will do with the best disposition.



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