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Number of divorces

“A court decree that terminates a marriage; also known as marital dissolution. A divorce decree establishes the new relations between the parties, including their duties and obligations relating to propertythat they own, support responsibilities of either or both of them, and provisions for any children.When a marriage breaks up,divorce law provides legal solutions for issues that the Husband and wife are unable to resolve through mutual cooperation”.


In this sense, the following is the analysis of divorces registered in Colombia during 2015, compared with the figures of 2014.


First, the table below shows a comparison between the number of divorces and their variation from the previous year in Colombia between January and May 2014 and 2015.

Therefore, in the previous table it is observed that the divorces registered between January and May 2015 showed an increase of 11.22% compared to those presented during the same period of the year 22014. Registered 771 divorces more than in 2014 where they appeared 6942 acts.


Similarly, the graph below shows the behavior of divorces registered in Colombia over the years already mentioned.

The graph shows the behavior of divorces registered in Colombia throughout 2014 and 2015. Here is observed that in early 2014 there is a positive trend between 1200 and 1500 registered divorces. However, between June and July 2014, there is a fall and a sharp rise from 1290 to 1766 divorces presented. Moreover, at the end of this same year there is another rise and a sharp fall that makes 2015 start with 1223 divorces. Since then, there has been a steady positive trend to 1727 divorces in May 2015.


On the other hand, the following graph shows the proportion in percentage of participation according to divorce regions in Colombia during May 2015

The above graph shows the proportion in percentage of participation according to regions in Colombia during May of 2015. Here we can see that the regions with the highest participation between January and May 2015 were from the central region with 43.96% with 3394 and the region with 21.11% with 1630 registered divorces.


Finally, in the following graph, it is presented a specification in each department and main cities of Colombia with the variations in the number of divorces in Colombia over the years mentioned.


Here it is observed that the departments with the lowest number of inhabitants, such as Amazonas, Guaviare and Vichada, have the lowest number of divorces, with 2, 4 and 4 respectively; and the departments where no divorces were filed were Guainía and Vaupés.

Based on the information above, it is possible to conclude that in the course of 2015 more divorces were registered than in the same period of the previous year, and the area where most acts occurred in the central region of Colombia with 43.96.



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