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Attitudes toward inveting

This attitude is the inclination or rejection that people have toward investing.
In 2016 the investing prospect in Colombia was discouraging with the rise of the dollar and petroleum, but with the stabilization of this two, the lower rates of interest for consumption, the upward of stock and the new tax reform there is uncertainty about what would happen according to El Tiempo “Colombia has new rules of the game in 2017, and both the government and some market analysts believe that in the country, investors and entrepreneurs will be joining these, but it will not be easy. The results are only in the medium or long term.” While says “The black swans could reappear this year and with them new blows to investors. As unpredictable and very unlikely events, we also decided to consult financial astrology to know its predictions for 2017."

This uncertainty affects our Company as its affects all the economy because it could mean low investment and a slow economic progress.



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