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Number of marriages

Marriage is broadly defined as “the process by which two people make their relationship public, official, and permanent. It is the joining of two people in a bond that putatively lasts until death, but in practice is increasingly cut short by divorce”.


In this sense, the following is the analysis of marriages in Colombia during the year 2015, compared with some figures of 2014.


First of all, it is possible to observe a comparative table between the number of civil marriages and their variation with regard the previous year in Colombia between January and May of the years 2014 and 2015.


During the first five months of the year, there were 24, 206 civil marriages and an increase of 1.36% over the same period of last year, where there were 23,8881 civil marriages. That is 325 marriages more than during 2015.

Similarly, the graph below shows the behavior of marriages registered in Colombia over the years already mentioned.

In the previous graph it is observed that at the beginning of 2014 there is an almost constant trend, maintaining an approximate value of 4700 registered marriages. However, at the end of this same year in November, there was a sharp change, which translated into a positive trend of marriages, registering a value of 8877. Moreover, in January of 2015 a downward trend is observed, with values of 4500 marriages approximately, but finally recovers in May of 2015 with a value of 4963 marriages returning to the same trends of the same period of the previous year.

Finally, the following graph shows the proportion in percentage of participation according to regions of marriages in Colombia during May of 2015

Thus, the chart above shows that the regions with the highest participation between January and May 2015 were: the central region with 36.59% and 8856 registered marriages, the Caribbean with 22% and 5353 civil marriages.

Therefore, the following graph represent specifications of each department and main cities of Colombia regarding the variations in the number of marriages in Colombia over the years mentioned above. Here, the table indicates that in Bogota this year 3,839 Couples have contracted marriages in notaries, and it is at top the list. Meanwhile, Guainía and Vaupés do not report any separation so far. After the capital of the country in amount of legalization of marriages, Valle del Cauca, with 2883; Antioquia, with 3143; Atlantic, with 1,706; Santander, with 1,273, and Cundinamarca, with 1,165 are the departments with most marriages register in Colombia

Based on the above information, it is possible to conclude that in the course of 2015 more marriages were recorded than in the same period of the previous year, and the area where most acts was the central region where there were 36.59% of the total in the country.







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