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Import and export regulations

1.Companies must have the import visa issued by the National Institute of Food and Drug Surveillance (Invima), in accordance with the provisions of Decrees 4149 of 2004 and 2078 of 2012 or the norms that modify, add or substitute.


2. The imported food must be covered by the registration, permit or health notification issued by Invima.


3. Submit the Certificate of Health of the country of origin. Only the presentation of the Certificate of Free Sale (CVL) of the country of origin can be accepted for the products of lower risk in public health.


On the other hand, the people who are going to export must present a Certificate of Sanitary Inspection for export issued by Invima at the request of those interested in sending to other countries food, raw materials and inputs for food intended for human consumption.



Phytosanitary Certification


Import requirements depend on both the product and the country of origin. In general, all consignments of fruit and vegetables must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by an official of the exporting country. The official can determine whether the fruit or vegetable can export to the country of destination and what the phytosanitary requirements are met.


Standards relating to category and quality


Fruits and vegetables exported to the EC, Japan or the United States must meet import requirements related to size, category, quality and maturity. The competent authority of the country shall issue a certificate based on the inspection indicating compliance with the standards.

Customs clearance


In general, the customs services of the importing country are responsible for the final approval and authorization to import all products. They examine all the documentation of the expedition and do not let the products leave the port of entry until all the requirements are fulfilled. They are also responsible for collecting import duties.

The Colombian government has some specific rules and the international standard is clear. For that, our company will verify all the parameters if we want to enter to export products or import.

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