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14, 15, 16 Colombian TLCs: Actives, Underwrite and ongoing negotiations

The free trades agreements (FTA) are agreements between two or more countries to stablish common rules for the commercial relationship between them. The Active ones are:

FTA Colombia – Mexico
FTA between Colombia and El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala
CAN: Andean Community (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Chile and MERCOSURs nations are considered associated members.
CARICOM: This Organization is between Colombia and the caribean nations (Jamaica, Belice, Barbados, Dominica Antigua and Barbuda, Trinidad and Tobago, Gayana, Granda, Moserrat, San Cristobal and Nieves, Santa Lucia, and San Viciente and las Granadinas).
MERCOSUR: Conformed by Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.
FTA Colombia – Chile
FTA Colombia – EFTA nations (Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Iceland)
FTA Colombia – Canada
FTA Colombia – USA
Partial scope agreement with Venezuela
FTA Colombia – Cuba
FTA Colombia – Nircargua
FTA Colombia – European Union
Pacific Aliance
FTA Colombia – South Corea
FTA Colombia – Costa Rica

There are two underwirte FTA one between Colombia and panama, and the other one is with Israel.

The ongoing negotiations Colombia is having are with: Turkey, Japan and the Trade in service agreement (TISA) a negotiation between over fifty nations.

This international agreements affect us to the extent that our competition commercialize import products

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