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Number of special-interest groups

“A stakeholder is any entity with a declared or conceivable interest or stake in a policy concern. The range of stakeholders relevant to consider for analysis varies according to the complexity of the reform area targeted and the type of reform proposed and, where the stakeholders are not organized, the incentive to include them. Stakeholders can be of any form, size and capacity. They can be individuals, organizations, or unorganized groups. In most cases, stakeholders fall into one or more of the following categories: international actors (e.g. donors), national or political actors (e.g. legislators, governors), public sector agencies (e.g. MDAs), interest groups (e.g. unions, medical associations), commercial/private for-profit, nonprofit organizations (NGOs, foundations), civil society members, and users/consumers”.


Taking into account the above, for our industry the special groups in which we are going to focus are:


In this sense, the following are the reasons why the most representative stakeholders for the company in our industry are those mentioned.


Customers: they represent the people who are going to make their purchases in Green Road. They consider their options and then choose the supermarkets in which they can get the products needed for their daily lives. That is why through organic, healthy fresh and natural food, our company will seek to provide a great shopping experience and generate added value for each of them.


Suppliers: basically our business depends on the quality and condition of the products that the suppliers provide to the company. If the quality of the product is good, people will have a product with a high added value and possibly return to make purchases in Green Road, while if the product is not in the best conditions or do not have the best quality indices people will carry a bad concept of the company and they will not buy it again there. In this sense, we seek to have good relations with suppliers and carry out a negotiation that positively affects both parties.


Competitors: by keeping in mind who the competition is and what its role in the consumer's mind is it is possible to design strategies and set objectives that favor the company to position itself in the consumer's mind and get those desire short and long term profits. The way they operate affects the operations of our company so it is very important to keep in mind what and how many can become the competition in our industry.


Shareholders, and managers, employees: each of these interest groups represent what the company is. Their values, principles and thoughts, since through the way they act it is possible to generate better benefits for our customers and thus generate a better culture within the company.


Governments: They determine the regulations, restrictions and precautions that companies must follow in all industries in order to give consumers a better shopping experience, be safe from possible abuses and that all processes and operations are carried out legally and clearly. That is why it is important to know all these regulations so that there are no misunderstandings or possible sanctions for our company.


For our company it is very important to know well what the needs of the stakeholder are in order to be able to propose activities and solutions for their benefits in an integral and favorable way for them and for us as well.




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